All Projects

A comprehensive collection of my work in healthcare, AI, and mobile development. Each project represents a unique challenge and innovative solution.

Smart MumComing Soon

AI-powered pregnancy monitoring platform with Apple Watch integration. Our newest healthcare innovation coming soon.

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Provision Technologies Website

Corporate website for my healthcare technology company, showcasing our innovative solutions in medical software and AI.

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Jabal Sina Medical Centre

Comprehensive healthcare management system with EMR integration, serving 1500+ patients. Available on Google Play Store.

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Medical Device Integration

Automated healthcare lab systems integration using HL7 standards, saving 10+ hours weekly in workflow efficiency.

Confidential Project

Medicam Telemedicine

UAE telemedicine platform that served 100+ monthly users during COVID-19. (Historical Project)

Historical Project

Enterprise AI Analysis Platform

Sentiment analysis platform with 20% higher accuracy than Google's model. Implemented for a major banking client. (Confidential Project)

Confidential Project

PwC Muslim Network Automation

Suite of automation tools that reduced weekly administrative tasks from 40 hours to minutes. Includes prayer time updates, event reminders, and member management.

Confidential Project

Barnardo's Foster Pack Designer

Digital design system for foster care packs, now used annually for 100+ teenagers in Northern Ireland. Created as part of PwC's CSR initiatives.

Historical Project

Children's Trauma Support App

Flutter-based mobile app using Dialogflow for providing trauma support to children. Project aimed to help 200+ children (development paused).

Historical Project